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Podocarpus Bonsai

Botanical name: Podocarpus


Podocarpus also known as a Buddhist Pine, are a dense evergreen with pointed, leathery, dark green leaves arranged on stiff, symmetrical branches. The tree which is unisexual, has male flowers in cones and female flowers composed of cylindrical thickened scales. The fruits, often edible, are pedunculate, fleshy and brightly colored. New foliage comes in a light green color that turns darker with age


During the summer you can place this tree outside to cut back on maintenance and provide ideal conditions.   Bonsai trees should never be placed in full sun, and should be place in partly shady area.  In the winter they need to be brought inside once the temperatures start dropping below 50 degrees.  Like most other tropical bonsai it's very important to water daily.

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