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Juniper Bonsai

Botanical name: Juniperus chinensis


When people think about Bonsai the Juniper is one of the first trees that comes to mind.  Juniper are one of the most popular trees in the bonsai world with their beautiful foliage and versatility in how they can be styled.  It's important to note that they aren't the easiest tree to take care of.  Junipers are a hardy tree and must be kept outside at all times.  They do not do well at all as indoor plants. 


Checking watering daily is important for Junipers because you can overwater them just as easy as you can underwater them.

Hardy Bonsai material needs to be wintered over in a protected cold spot so that they can go through their natural dormancy period.  Inside an unheated garage, cold frame, or bury in the ground with good insulation for the roots.

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